Chris Carman
Group Members
Endothelial Ag
Vascular Healing

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Research Overview & Methodology

Blood Vessel Cross-section Blood Vessel Network

The vascular endothelium represents the critical interface between the blood circulation and the tissues. The microvasculature is interdigitated throughout all of the recesses of the body where it serves as an extremely tenuous yet robust barrier (right). During inflammation immune cells (blood leukocytes) interact with the endothelium and breach this barrier to enter the tissues (below). Additionally, soluble mediators of inflammation can directly induce intercellular gaps and increased leakiness of the endothelium to blood plasma. While these processes are required for healthy protective and homeostatic inflammatory responses, their dys-regulation is at the heart of broad ranging immune and inflammatory diseases.

Resting vs Inflammed Microvasculature

Our work makes extensive use of advanced fluorescence imaging, electron microscopy and biomechanical techniques to understand the fundamental basis and consequences of these interactions and how they may become perturbed during inflammatory and immune-related disease.

Background Material
Carman CV. 2009 J Cell Sci 122; 3025-3035 Mechanisms for Trans-cellular Diapedesis: Probing and Pathfinding by 'invadosome-like protrusions'
Sage PT, Carman CV. 2009 Front Biosc 14; 5066-5083 Settings and Mechanisms for Trans-cellular Diapedesis
Carman CV, Springer TA. 2008 Curr Opin Cell Biol Trans-cellular migration: cell-cell contacts get intimate

Published Methods & Protocols
Methods Mol Biol 757; 159-189 High-resolution fluorescence microscopy to study transendothelial migration.
Methods Mol Biol 757; 215-245 Overview: imaging in the study of integrins.